Sunday, October 23, 2005

I have nothing in my mind to start with when i started writing this blog.Ofcourse this is not my first time blog but i wrote them long back that i even forgot my id. So as i watched to find every bugger writing crap and my thoughts going wild i thought why not scribble something though i am not into this writing stuff. It always starts when we think about others.I can easily guess what u r thinking of me right now.

But did i tell u the reason why i am writing??? what i told u was just a simple reason which cannot convince me write something like this.Let me tell u a good reason.

These days i stopped complaining about someone (atleast trying) for their deeds. some people would be very much surprised to know this. u may ask "why so?" or "how come the god showed mercy on us?".As i said it all starts when u think about others.when somebody does some mistake or the like (in my perspective atleast) i say them their faults,ofcourse, not in a polite way.But who the hell on earth wants to hear their mistakes.So the newton's third law will do it's work immediately.I finally end up being a bad guy who is always harsh.i am fed up with this bad boy's business.So i'm thinking of going into the real bad boy business.i am sure the world will say that i am a good person now.That's the way the life goes on.When u do something proper u will end up being a loser but if u r an a** **le the world hails u.
Don't think that i'm complaining but i'm telling u some truths of life.well,though i have lot of stuff coming to my mind to discuss,i am tired of writing this much.

What do u think i'm gonna change??
It's only till the OS class that u have to wait for the answer.


johney said...

Welcome to the realm of blogworld. It is not expected form us to write like Shakespear so we all may as well stop saying we do not write good. Writing is good enough, without the self condemnation. And I am tired of telling people that they actually write very good, because they really do but they are not sure about it.

It is rather heartening to know that you have stopped complaining about. I shall not ask "Why so" for there is no such thing as "why so". One is loved because one is loved. One stops complaining because one stops complaning. There is no "why so" to it.

The wind of change is blowing, touching one here and another there with her icy fingers. And I see that she have visited you quite recently. I hope she was gentle with you.

radiohead said...

welcome to the blog world.

Hey u knw wht ... the worlds changing every second. The very concept of being BAD & being hailed has gone since the dayzz of HITLER . Now its all abt wht individual u are. And lol .. whom r u defying doing tht ... urselves i guess.

Alchemist says ::: " the world conspires " .... and so let it do tht .. u do wht ur best at .. being good ;)